Traditionally, industrial robots are used behind separating protective devices for automated manufacturing with high quantities, for example for welding or painting of body parts in auto-mobile production. In this thesis essential components of a secure und flexible industrial robot based assistance system for enabling human-robot cooperation (HRC) are developed and successfully demonstrated using the example of an assembly process in a working place for disabled people. The main objectives are relieving an on average aging personnel of highly physically burdening, exhausting and repetitive production tasks and thereby increasing the satisfaction of employees as well as splitting up capability based the labour between humans and robots for raising the productivity and quality. Another application that is shown in this thesis is the assistance in working places for handicapped, where enabling people to perform higher demanding work content is focussed.
An efficient approach for the more intelligent use of potentially dangerous industrial robots of the collaboration type of velocity and distance control is developed by the realised workspace surveillance and protection. By means of a robust detection of obstacle objects as well as a conservative classification into persons and other obstacles collisions with the used assistance robot are reliably avoided and adapted reaction strategies are enabled. The flexible and effi-cient use of cooperating industrial robots with only short idle times during changing ambient conditions and without programming by experts requires a preferably autonomous generation of robot paths. To solve this need for action a novel planner using the cell decomposition of the workspace is realised for the examined and widespread use case of the vertical six-axis articulated robot with in-line wrist to generate collision free and preferably short robot paths, that are intuitively comprehensible by the operator.
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