The main subject of the dissertation is the research on a novel additive manufacturing approach for the production of elastic mechatronic components. The combination of variations and further developments of the aerosol jet printing process for the production of stacked dielectric elastomers is described. The framework of a prototypical use case for deriving the necessary and desirable properties of such flexible mechatronic systems and thus ultimately the requirements for a manufacturing process is formed by compliant and thus adaptable robot systems. Their macroscopically effective kinematics and active surfaces combine a catalogue of characteristics which will also allow the transfer of the knowledge gained to other application domains of flexible mechatronic systems in the future.
The methods presented for the production of flexible electrodes, silicone dielectrics and integrated actuators and sensors include, on the one hand, multi-aerosol printing of RTV2 silicones for the programmable production of silicone layers with layer thicknesses in the range of 10 µm and their stacking to form solid bodies with several hundred layers. Furthermore, novel approaches for time-efficient aerosol jet printing of elastic electrode structures based on reduced graphene oxide are presented. These are produced using a novel hybrid atomiser that combines pneumatic and ultrasonic-based aerosol generation. In addition, the direct printing of filled polymer matrices by combining three aerosol streams is described. With these novel approaches, the fabrication of prototype elastic mechatronic components in an integrated process device is demonstrated.
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