The working group “WG:Roadmap” of the 6G Platform Germany, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), has set itself the goal of identifying emerging application scenarios, new technologies, and future requirements that shape the 6G research, development, and standardization efforts in Germany and Europe. Toward this goal, the WG has collected, analyzed, and harmonized numerous 6G use cases from various academic institutions and companies under the 6G Platform. As a result, this white paper conveys the current findings from the Working Group. It presents the most recent view on the identified 6G use cases and use case families, existing and novel technology building blocks needed to realize those use cases, as well as new requirements they entail. Representing the German 6G program, the use cases presented in this white paper give insights from German industrial companies, network operators, and further communications stakeholders whose needs may differ from countries with other economic priorities. Besides, the view shown in this paper follows the alignment with the prominent European 6G projects such as 6G-SNS and 6G-IA, which is in line with the working group’s goal to give a first glimpse of a German-European 6G vision.
Des Weiteren erfolgt die Darstellung in diesem Whitepaper in Anlehnung an die führenden europäischen 6G-Projekte, wie beispielsweise 6G-SNS und 6G-IA. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel der Arbeitsgruppe, einen ersten Einblick in eine deutsch-europäische 6G-Vision zu geben.
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